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“I don’t know how often I check my cell phone because I waiting message from him”

Bandung, bukan hanya sekedar letak geografis. Lebih dari itu melibatkan perasaan yang bersamaku ketika sunyi. – pidi baiq

That’s my favorite quotes about Bandung. Btw, my last education in Bandung. So, I live there for four years. So many memories about everything, friends, organization, experiences, and absolutely ex boyfriend.
I am the girl who has big expectation for everything. But I know the reality is always not same with my expectation. I go to Bandung. I meet my friends there. Not all my friends but it’s ok because I see the condition. Do you know? My expectations are I meet my friends, I go to somewhere with them; I eat many food which I like, meatball, kebab, ws, nasi kucing, and many more.  Everything changes when I come back. Bandung is still being Bandung with different condition.
I walk alone. Every step my walk I remember about all memories. Sometimes you need time to be alone just for realize that you are nothing without others. Yeah, I am nothing without someone who makes me become right now. Honestly, there is someone who always I remember in every journey and I hope that someone can accompany me. I don’t know how often I check my cell phone because I waiting message from him. I really want to meet but I know who I am.
I want to go home. But I know my home not in Bandung. I lost meaning about home since I live in Badung. Home is not always about building, home is not always about home town, but home is condition where you feel that you are not alone. Maybe you can meet someone new in every journey. It’s not about someone who meet in journey but someone who receive you back, don’t care how long you not go home, how far your journey, that’s someone always receive you back. I think every people have someone like home.

Bandung, sometimes when I am alone, I always miss about everything there. I hope I can live there for long time. Hehe.
