all I question

Suci. She is my best friend since in secondary school. We are being soul mate for ten years. It’s so long time right.  I met her last night and of course we share everything about our live especially about love. Hihi. Yeah although we seldom to meet but if we have time, we always share everything. So it’s take long time to chit chat. In the corner of café with two glasses of coffee and fried francs, she starts to tell her love story.
Honestly, this story will not tell about Suci’s story but will tell about the boy who makes fall in love to the girl like us. In this world may be still many good boys. Since there is word “baper” in bahasa, “bawa perasaan” , good person reputed “modus (modal dusta)” thus many people have wrong perception especially the girl. May be the girl too baper to interpret good boys. Therefore, many girls in this world reputed the boys “php (pemberi harapan palsu)” whereas the boys can be good to all people.
Hey boys, you should make dictionary about your goodness so we are the girls will not have wrong perception again.
There is someone in my live that always makes me baper although I seldom to meet him. Honestly he is my ex. don’t you know my effort to forget him is too hard. I need long time to forget or allow him to go from my live. When I start habitual without him, he comes again in my live. In bahasa there is pepatah “chatting setitik rusak move on sebelangga”. Btw, it’s just alay language. After he calls me like that, he misses again. I don’t know why. So many questions in my mind.
Hey boy, would you want to answer my question? Why you leave me? Why you want to meet me after we break up? Why you ask me to watch concert with you? Why you don’t remember my birthday? Why you don’t come to my graduation? Why you don’t respond my tweet that I mention to you? Why you chat me again? Why you want to meet me and apologize to me although we often to do it? Why you give me brownies and make my mom ask me about you again? Why? Why? Why?

Yeah, may be that question never have answer.
