catharsis in mahameru

"this is not about how to conquer the summit but how to conquer yourself. the aim is not the summit but how to returned safely."

three years ago I read a good novel the title was 5 cm by Donny Dhirgantoro. it's tells about the journey of five friendship went to Mahameru. I like this novel because it tells about friendship, love, journey, philosophy, and family. I really want this novel can become movie.

in December 2012 there was movie based on this novel. I very enthusiastic to watch this movie but I disappointed because the movie out from expectations. at least from this movie I got view about scenery in mahameru especially in ranu kumbolo. it's so awesome place. after I read the novel and watched the movie I extremely want went to there.

in 2014, I climbed gede mountain in cianjur. my friend said that this mountain was exercise before mahameru. you can read my journey in gede mountain in my post 2014.

this year, I live in pare kediri to learn english. I think I'm bored because everyday I always learn and maybe I got stress. my friend asked me to climb the mahameru mountain. of course I can't reject her invitation although I did'n have money. for a month I save my money to climb the mountain.

in 4-8 may 2016, my friends and I went to mahameru. my friends were ega, kadita, sopeng (dilla) and nirma. just for your information, why dilla called sopeng? because there was my friend always called her sopeng. actually sopeng was one of region in makasar. we were from test english school and there were 25 people from other course.

in the first day we should queue because so many people want to climb mahameru. actually this was holiday. there were thousand people came to mahameru. you can check in news. in schedule we should start to climb in early morning in 5 may. because so many people want to climb like us so we start to climb at 1 o'clock.

normally, from ranu pane to ranu kumbolo just 3-4 hours. I never predicted that the weather there would be rainy. because the road so muddy we should walked carefully. I arrived in ranu kumbolo around 7 o'clock. ega got sick in the way, we should wait her until she felt better. ka dirman said that we should went first because if we stop too long we would felt so cold. we leaved ega with ka dirman and ka ria. just for your information ka dirman was the leader of our team.

when I arrived in ranu kumbolo so many people camping there. from far away it looks like night market because many lights there. night in ranu kumbolo was so cold. I can handle it because I prepare well to sleep. I just try to sleep although its so hard. suddenly, my friend from other tend scream need help because there was fire. I woke up soon and the fact was not fire but just fireworks. huft, that's moment was so scary but funny. we were though that there was fire. this moment become discussion along day.

in early morning we prepared to cook. I cut the vegetable and ega cut the union. ega say that she wanna be "istriable". hahaha. the weather still cold although there was sun. some of us try to drying their cloths on tend. I forgot to did that. it made my bag become heavy.

honestly, I didn't want continue the journey because some of consideration. first, my foo felt so sick, second, my soulder felt so sick too, third, I didn't have pants again, how if in the way the rain fall. I didn't know what the thing made me continue the journey to kali mati.

in journey to kali mati we should pass tanjakan cinta. there was myth if we though about someone who you loves when you climb in tanjakan cinta without saw back it become true. so I try it. I mention someone in my heart and didn't want to saw back. I hope it will come true.
I always ate snack and little drunk. I afraid if I took a pie. every took a rest I try to slept. ega said that I so easy to slept every where. in the way to kali mati rain was fall again. my friends and I stopped and were raincoat. after that we continued our journey to kali mati.

ka dirman waited us in kali mati. I afraid because my pants only one again. I though its ok if I didn't climb to summit in the night because I didn't have shoes, but ka dirman said its ok just were double sock. I try to slept in tend. the weather more cold than ranu kumbolo. I out and help cooked.

at 11 o'clock we woke up and prepared to climb. we eat first before climb. i wear one t-shirt, 2 jacket and one raincoat. the weather will be extreamly cold. we should have one bottle water to climb. the journey was so hard. the queue like snake so long. vegetation should be one hour but it become three hours. ka dirman ever said that the hard trial was hungry and sleepy. I can't believe first until I felt by my self. when I slept in sand I saw a thousand stars so near for me. I want to catch but I can't so I just try to slept although the weather so cold.

at 6 o'clock I thought the summit was near for me. its just my hallucination. the summit still so far. when I walked three times it means one step. sand always made my foot be sick.

at 9.30 o'clock I thought I can't arrive in summit because many people scream to us that its danger. actually ega was in summit, kadita still behind me, and sopeng, nirma and I one step again to arrived in summit but I remember about my purpose, about soe hok gie, this is not about how to conquer the summit but how to conquer yourself. the aim is not the summit but how to returned safely. sopeng was cry, I just saw the summit, nirma just take the picture.

we come back, and just saw the other go down from summit. I said in my hearth "next time".

ega said go down from summit was easy like roller skates, but I don't know how to play roller skates. i just try and sometimes I fall.

my foot, my shoulder, my body, it was broke. we should spend the night in ranu kumbolo again before come back to pare. ranu kumbolo is awesome place. its so romantic. I wish I have someone special. hehe

in early morning I woke up to saw sunrise. so beautiful sunrise in ranu kumbolo. many people took a picture or video there. me too. after that we breakfast and prepare to go home.

there were favorite fruit in every post. that was water melon. it so made new spirit if you try but you should be first because so many people want it.

honestly, I can't walked again. my foot was broke. I walked so slowly like snail. luck for me, nirma always accompany me to ranu pane. I use stick like witch. I said to other people that my stick can crack ranu kumbolo like musa stick. but I'm just kidding. hehe
