New god

Tv is like a new god for many people. Tv is become like god, because whatever they showing on tv, many people definite to follow. There are many commercials like soap, shampoo, gadget and many more. tv always become a medium to persuade many people to use their product.

And gadget, 90% of people depend to their. When they wake up, the first activity is search the cellphone. Although their handphone isn’t blackberry or android. Mostly their handphone is blackberry. The first thing they do is search for their. Even they say thanks with update in bbm. As they can communicate with god via bbm. God always listen what you think without any medium.

Now, many people have a new god in their live. In their identity they have a religion. But in reality, isn’t same with that. They like don’t care about worship. They like have the way to praying by themselves. Their god is in a mall, gadget, tv. Moreover gadget can make all people be an idiot. In a group, all of them have a handphone or other gadget. They’re sitting down so near, but there is no interaction between them. They just focus with their handphone or gadget. Gadget can make long distance interaction become more simple but it makes a near interaction bad.

Editor: arniz yulia
