Miss Achi

Her name is Asri Yuniar. Tou can call her miss. Achi. Because this woman is a play group teacher. She is beautifull, wearing a veil, white skin, thin, and has a heinght like most woman in Indonesia. She teach at kuncup harapan kindergarten. Everydat she teach children in that kindergarten. The routinity that they usually are march, singing, nail inspection, playing, praying and other unimportant things that she do with her students.

After teaching, her husband and daughter pinch her to go home. She has a little happy family and now they are expecting a new member of this family. At home, Achi become a good wife and a good mother . her routinity that she do like a most mother. But, there is something different when the evening comes. She is saying goodbye to her husband and her daughter to go to a studio band. In there she meet with the fierce men. She looks so close with them and they come in to studio together. When achi hold the microphone and the music start to play, Achi changed become a cute little monster.

Achi still looks beautifull but more like an evil has obbessed her and he voice too. She is jumping and screaming, singing a song with an unknown lyric. That sounds like a sceaming. This music has changed her self, this music has different energy, and this music is her life choice. After thet she go home , meet her husband and daughter. Rest for tomorrow so she can go back to teach. Meet with the student and back to play with them.

Editor : arniz yulia
