longser batik festival

In november, 2-4 . I joined “longser batik festival” an event held by toneel bandung. I beame the performanced photographer. I want to be photographer because I want to watch all the performances. This was the first time I watched longser. And in three days there were 13 longser performances that I’ve watched

Now, I know that in longser they must light the oncor before started the show. And they must perform dance and music. Of the all story told about batik. According to me, all participant sucsess made the audience laughed.  Accept the last participant, it is so bored I think.

I’m still wondering until now, why the story in longser must have the erotism element. Because there are participant still in secondary high school and they told the erotic joke so easily. According to me it not fair.
In the champion announcement night. Two participants from STSI wins many trophy. They are rampak 69 and black rose theatre international. Each of them got three trophies. According to me this competition should attended by comunity outside of STSI only. By that there will be no social jealousy when the champion came from stsi.

Editor: arniz yulia
