Last week I went to kiara payung, jatingangor to joined ESQ event. Actually I was not interest to this event. But because this is a picnic so I be decided to go.

The journey to kiara payung is very hard. I must become a seller. I sell teh kotak, cake, chips, and mineral water to get some money to pay the cost. I’m with my group.

I become the photographer. Because I was shy to sell . So I just take  picture of my friends who become the seller. And my group got Rp.84.500 and that’s enough to kiara payung.

After become the seller , we got back the problem. We must wait for the transportation . so long to wait for the damri. meanwhile we must arrive at 1 pm.

I didn’t felt not comportable. My body is sweating, in damri so stinky. But I and my group arrived to kiara payung be safely.

The participant of esq came from many colleges in west java. And from stsi is much participant.

I feel happy. I Can fell the cool of the nature, see the beautifull view, get delicious food and I can refresh my brain again.

I always interested in picnic event.

Editor: arniz yulia
