
Colombiana tells about a girl who wants to take a revenge of her parents death. The main character is cataleya. Her parents was die by mafia group. After her parents die, she is running away with a chip given by her father that take her to mexico. In there she meet with her uncle whose also a mavia.

Cataleya said to her uncle that she wanna be a killer like xena. So her uncle teached her to become an intelligence killer. Fiveteen years later , cataleya has killed twenty two mafias. Her uncle angry because cataleya has leaved identity after killing. Become an identitied killer is a stupid thing. That made a killer so easy to trace. Cataleya always drawing a cataleya flower on the dead body.

And what’s interesting about this movie is when cataleya was a child. Cataleya runaway to mexico. I think it’s so imposible. A girl ,ten years old can run away from the mafia whose using a gun.

The message from this movie, revenge it isn’t good thing to do. That is what happened to cataleya when she took her revenge, she become lonly. Her uncle was die too. And she can’t meet again with her boyfriend although she loves him.

Editor: arniz yulia
